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On the origin of “make something wonderful”

Steve's driving motivation

Today, we want to share one of our favorite clips.

It’s from an internal Apple employee-communications meeting held on October 23, 2007. 

The mood in the small room is buoyant as Steve enters, pours himself some water, and settles onto a stool. In January, in anticipation of a broadening product line and increased focus on retail and services, the company changed its name from Apple Computer Inc to Apple Inc. In June, the iPhone debuted to rave reviews and lines around the block. Revenues are up, profits are way up, and Steve marvels at how far the company has come. “People wanted $24 billion worth of the stuff that you guys thought up out of thin air and made,” he says. “I think that’s pretty cool.”

As he often did, Steve allocates more time for questions than his own comments. A few questions in, an employee asks how Apple will keep its brand and culture as it grows. Steve takes a sip of water, pauses, and gives an answer that includes this unexpected and revealing moment:

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This idea—that the act of making something with a great deal of care is a way of expressing your respect and admiration for humanity—anchored Steve’s approach to business and drove him throughout his life.

It also drives our work here at SJA, so much so that we chose it as the title of our first book and use the quote as a guiding inspiration for our Fellowship program.

On Steve’s 70th birthday, we hope that you, too, will be inspired to make something wonderful and put it out there. 

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